TagEYJA goes West: Maria Octavo @ Thorlak Icelandics
Maria Octavo is a talented young trainer with roots in Germany, who has built up Thorlak Icelandics, an Icelandic Horse farm in Nelson Co…
EYJA goes West: Maria Octavo, Thorlak Icelandics
Maria Octavo ist eine talentierte junge Trainerin mit Wurzeln in Rheinland-Pfalz, die sich gemeinsam mit ihrer Mutter in Nelson County, K…
A special connection: Queen Púma frá Àrmúla
The famous stallion Hrafn frá Holtsmúla is one of the most famous breeding horses in Icelandic Horse History and has left the world over …
EYJA goes West: Educating trainers in the USA
The Icelandic Horse community in the USA is steadily developing, growing and becoming more professional. Another important step into this…
EYJA goes West: Trainer-Ausbildung in den USA
Die Islandpferdegemeinschaft der Vereinigten Staaten befindet sich in ständigem Wandel und Wachstum hin zu einer zunehmenden Professional…
EYJA goes West: Dressurstunde mit einem Cowboy
Wenn wir an großartige Pferdemenschen denken, dann fallen uns allen sicherlich einige Beispiele ein, an die wir uns nur zu gerne erinnern…
EYJA goes West: Education and fun at Lettleiki
Lettleiki Icelandics is located close to Shelbyville, Kentucky, the breeding capital of the American Saddlebred. The impressive facility …
EYJA goes West: Fourbeated Fun in the Bluegrass State
The Icelandic Horse Farm Lettleiki in Kentucky, which has been led by Maggie Lyons-Brandt for many years, was once again the host for th…
USIHC rides “from sea to shining sea”
The concept of virtual rides has now been around for a while and the FEIF virtual ride to the location of the World Championships or Land…