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EYJA Sprechstunde: 4 Abende mit Johan Häggberg


Im November 2024 laden wir Euch unter dem Titel “Sharing thoughts, gaining inspiration” zu einem enorm spannenden Vierteiler ein, den wir mit dem mehrfachen Weltmeister, internationalen Sportrichter und gleichermaßen beliebten wie erfolgreichen Trainer Johan Häggberg aus Schweden anbieten wollen. Unter dem Titel “Sharing thoughts, gaining inspiration – Four evenings with Johan Häggberg” kommen wir mit Johan am 04., 11., 18. und 26 November per Zoom zusammen. Natürlich wird der Meister seines Fachs einen großen Schatz an Wissen und Erfahrungen vermitteln, unsere Teilnehmer sind aber herzlich dazu ermuntert, auch selbst möglich aktiv mit eigenen Fragen und Wortbeiträgen zu partizipieren. Der Lehrgang findet in englischer Sprache statt, die Zoom-Zugänge übersenden wir rechtzeitig vorab. // No practice without theory. It’s that simple. And it’s also a rather non-mythical and down-to-earth way of treating education and training in our Icelandic-horse world. Both go hand-in-hand and we need a healthy and smart way of combining theory and practice as major assets in our daily dealings with riders and horses. Let’s use valuable theoretical approaches and the great practical experience and combined expertise we have been able to gather over these last few decades in order to become better riders and even better trainers who themselves will continue learning so much as we use this journey to move forward together. In this four-part series (ca. 90 min each), together with World Champion and master trainer Johan Häggberg we will provide you before each session with compact summaries (study materials) of highly-relevant topics in the world of riding and teaching and simply being good partners to our horses who care about their welfare. Understanding and re-visiting these basics is crucial to benefitting greatly from what comes next: in our inspiration series we meet live in an online-conference format where Johan will begin by summarizing the substance and goals of each evening. This introduction is followed by an interactive session of questions and answers, presentations, examples and solutions. Our series will be held in English and login data will be provided ahead of time.

Im November 2024 laden wir Euch unter dem Titel “Sharing thoughts, gaining inspiration” zu einem enorm spannenden Vierteiler ein, den wir mit dem mehrfachen Weltmeister, internationalen Sportrichter und gleichermaßen beliebten wie erfolgreichen Trainer Johan Häggberg aus Schweden anbieten wollen. Unter dem Titel “Sharing thoughts, gaining inspiration – Four evenings with Johan Häggberg” kommen wir mit Johan am 04., 11., 18. und 26 November per Zoom zusammen. Natürlich wird der Meister seines Fachs einen großen Schatz an Wissen und Erfahrungen vermitteln, unsere Teilnehmer sind aber herzlich dazu ermuntert, auch selbst möglich aktiv mit eigenen Fragen und Wortbeiträgen zu partizipieren. Der Lehrgang findet in englischer Sprache statt, die Zoom-Zugänge übersenden wir rechtzeitig vorab.

No practice without theory. It’s that simple. And it’s also a rather non-mythical and down-to-earth way of treating education and training in our Icelandic-horse world. Both go hand-in-hand and we need a healthy and smart way of combining theory and practice as major assets in our daily dealings with riders and horses. Let’s use valuable theoretical approaches and the great practical experience and combined expertise we have been able to gather over these last few decades in order to become better riders and even better trainers who themselves will continue learning so much as we use this journey to move forward together. In this four-part series (ca. 90 min each), together with World Champion and master trainer Johan Häggberg we will provide you before each session with compact summaries (study materials) of highly-relevant topics in the world of riding and teaching and simply being good partners to our horses who care about their welfare. Understanding and re-visiting these basics is crucial to benefitting greatly from what comes next: in our inspiration series we meet live in an online-conference format where Johan will begin by summarizing the substance and goals of each evening. This introduction is followed by an interactive session of questions and answers, presentations, examples and solutions. Our series will be held in English and login data will be provided ahead of time.

Topics and dates / Themen und Termine:
1) The importance of a System (Montag/Monday, 04. November, 19.30)
2) Training and Exercises, Part 1 (Montag/Monday, 11. November, 19.30)
3) Training and Exercises, Part 2 (Montag/Monday, 18. November, 19.30)
4) Performance, Personal Goals and Previews (Dienstag/Tuesday, 26. November, 19.30)

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