Abschied von Þórálfur nach irreparabler Verletzung
In der Saison 2017 war er in aller Munde, der erdfarbene Álfur-Sohn Þórálfur frá Prestsbæ aus der Ehrenpreis-Stute Þoka frá Hólum, als er…
Sad goodbye to Þórálfur frá Prestsbæ
The truly sad news has reached us, that Þórálfur frá Prestsbæ has passed away at the young age of only eleven years. The stallion, unfort…
Behind the camera: Krijn and Babs
The second photographer to be our interviewee in the series ”Behind the camera” is Krijn Buijtelaar and his fiancée Babs Dieckmann. Bei…
Amazing pace combos: Markus & Kóngur part 3
Markus Albrecht-Schoch has been very successful in international pace competitions together with his gelding Kóngur frá Lækjamoti. Togeth…
Premiere: Lixhof-Diamant für Ivonnes Inspiration
Dass es den Islandpferdefreunden am Lixhof nicht an kreativen Ideen mangelt, haben wir erst vor kurzem beim Anschauen ihres wunderschön i…
New dynamic duo in Germany: Konsert & Lisa
Konsert frá Hofi arrived from Iceland at Frans Goetschalckx’ farm Enclavehof in Belgium safe and sound a few weeks ago. Before that he ha…
Tips for anxious riders
A lot of riders deal with anxiety in the saddle, just like me. It luckily got better over the years, but if my sister didn’t get me on he…
Großartige Comedy aus Island ab 2.12. auf Netflix
Der isländische Stand-up-Comedian Ari Eldjárn kommt zu Netflix! Sein fabelhaftes Programm “Pardon My Icelandic”, mit dem er nicht nur in …
Markus frá Langholtsparti has passed away
Yesterday the sad news has reached us, that the stallion Markus frá Langholtsparti has passed away at the age of 27. Markus became especi…
Behind the camera: Ulrich Neddens EN/DE
On Isibless we can share amazing photos, thanks to all the photographers that capture Icelandic horse competitions. Rain, wind, storm or …
Online No Stirrup November by Gæðinga Dressage
Laura Benson from California and Carrie Lyons-Brandt from Kentucky have founded Gæðinga Dressage a while ago, as a new concept for approa…
New teams for Meistaradeild 2021!
For the 2021 edition of the Icelandic equestrian champions league, Meistaradeild í Hestaiþróttum has announced the participating teams, a…