KategorieNew BLUP scores calculated
Yesterday new BLUP values were calculated by the Icelandic horse database World Fengur for 448437 horses. This has led to changes in the …
Interview with British Pace Ace Charlotte Cook, Pt. 2
Due to her unique way of riding pace, Charlotte Cook has become very well known in the Icelandic horse world. She has been competing very…
Live stream with Árni Björn Pálsson on June 21
Dear readers and followers, because our last live stream with Gísli Guðjónsson for the good cause of Brooke Hospital for Animals was rece…
Gæðingadressage – Finding your horse`s inner Gæðingur
We all know that dressage is a very important part of training and the very foundation of a well ridden horse, whether we train for the W…
Finding the perfect saddle for an imperfect rider
”If the saddle fits the horse than it is a good saddle”, I heard this statement a lot of times. Riders assume that if the horse has a p…
There is a new breeding stallion in Belgium
We are very happy to tell our readers that there is a new breeding stallion in Belgium. It is the Álfur frá Selfossi son Áboti frá Söðu…
Review: Physioflex ergonomic girth
A few weeks ago I saw the new Physioflex girth coming by on Instagram. I was really curious about the girth because it has a super nice s…
The world championships experience of Victoria Stoncius part 2
Photo: Tina Patel
Here is the second part of the world championships story of Victoria Stocious and Tilberi von Blumencrom. Victoria is …
Grenzlandhöfer Maimót läutet Saarland-Frühling ein
Gute Tradition hat auf dem Grenzlandhof von Familie Becker mittlerweile das alljährliche Maímót und damit das Kompaktturnier am Maifeiert…
Krosnes Striglen helfen (nicht nur) im Fellwechsel
Turniere wie das Icehorse Festival laden neben einer konzentrierten Betrachtung der sportlichen Wettkämpfe und geselligen Gesprächsrunden…
Historisch: Heesberg-Fest dank Körungssieger Eyjólfur
Auf den Tag genau 15 Jahre nach der Körung eines prägenden Hengstes für die Zucht von Daniel Schulz auf dem Gestüt Heesberg – der mittler…
Claus Paulus: Abschied vom Rheinland-Original
Ob als Turnier-Moderator, als Ehrenamtler in der Verbandspolitik oder als Finanzberater im Alltag – mit Claus Paulus gab’s für viele Pers…