KategorieFrom world record holder to covermodel: Nítróglusserín
Nítróglusserín från Hella, an incredibly fast pace horse in his day when he set the world record in pace race with 21.84 sec in 2012, can…
New teams for Meistaradeild 2021!
For the 2021 edition of the Icelandic equestrian champions league, Meistaradeild í Hestaiþróttum has announced the participating teams, a…
Takt und Verstand: Tölt (EN)
Takt und Verstand is a German Instagram page, which provides free education on topics all around the training of Icelandic horses. It is …
Takt und Verstand: Der Tölt (DE)
Takt und Verstand ist eine deutsche Instagramseite, die viele interessante Inhalte rundum das Training von Islandpferden anbietet. Sie wi…
Seiður frá Flugumýri exported!
Just last night the famous stallion Seiður frá Flúgumýri was exported. He left for the Liège airport in Belgium and will soon go to his n…
Kvistur frá Skagaströnd now in Denmark
Laura, Alina, Fanny, Siggi, Merle jubeln in Lingen
Laura Goblirsch und Dimmi vom Moarschusterhof heißen die Spitzenreiter im Fünfgangpreis von Lingen. Voller Elan düste die Münsteranerin m…
Elderly athletes: Fengur frá Súluholti
The Icelandic horse is widely known for it`s longevity and activeness even in old age. A lot of our leisure and competition horses can be…
Day 2 at DIM: Jolly, Beggi and Sigurður Óli in the lead
The first half of the second day at Heesberg brought an exciting preliminary in Tölt T2. The lead was taken very early by host Daniel Sch…
DIM live: Beggi, Steffi, Siggi, Horst die Renn-Besten
Die ersten beiden Läufe der Passrennen auf der DIM 2020 sind Geschichte, und während wir über 250 Meter abermals ein Lótushof-Duell an de…
Day 1 at DIM: Vicky wins PP1, Karly in the lead in T1
Today was the first day of the German Championships, which take place on Gestüt Heesberg, the farm of Daniel and Ina Schulz. Many of the …
Nathalie Schmid: Icelandic horses in Bella Italia
When we think of Icelandic horses we mainly think of Iceland, Scandinavia and western Europe. But the Icelandic horse is also present in …