KategorieWhere do we nail into when we shoe our horse?
Most of the Icelandic riding horses wear shoes, to help them with the gaits or to make sure their hooves don’t become too short if we…
Live stream: 29.08. with Caspar Logan Hegardt
The next live stream will take place on Saturday at 20.00 and as our guest we have Caspar Logan Hegardt. He is a veterinarian specialised…
The horse’s center of gravity
Takt und Verstand is a German Instagram page, which provides free education on topics all around the training of Icelandic horses. It is …
Gæðingadressage – Finding your horse`s inner Gæðingur
We all know that dressage is a very important part of training and the very foundation of a well ridden horse, whether we train for the W…
The position of the hand
Our colleague Sara Lea Svensdottir from Norway has thought a lot about the position of the hand and how it connects to giving precise and…
A short guide to stalking horses
Sometimes you see a beautiful and talented horse at a competition and want to know more about it or there is a new horse in the stable wh…