FIZO Hella: Frigg takes the lead
The third day of the breeding show at Gaddstaðaflatir came with a surprise. Frigg frá Hólshúsum, a six year old daughter of Kambur frá Ak…
FIZO Hólar: Àlfamær on top
Another breeding show is going on in Hólar in the North of Iceland. 64 horses in total are registered to be evaluated. The leader so far …
FIZO Hella: Blesi frá Heysholti in the lead
The first FIZO in Iceland this year is in full swing at the track at Gaddstaðaflatir in Hella. 128 horses are registered to participate. …
Magnús fra Rendborg – DK2009101081
M: Dalla frá Auðsholtshjáleigu – honorary prize for offsprings
F: Kramsi frá Blesastöðum 1A
MF: Þór frá Prestsbakka
Óskar fra Rendborg – DK2013100777
M: Dalla frá Auðsholtshjáleigu – Honoraryprize for offsprings
F: Funi fra Rendborg
MF: Þór frá Prestsbakka
FF: Jarl …
Great fourth place for Daði og Gagnamagnið at ESC
The Icelandic band in the Eurovision Song Contest this year truly had to face some obstacles. After the contest was of course cancelled l…
A gift for kings
While it is especially popular in Europe, the Icelandic Horse can be found almost all around the globe. But this is a development of the …
Great competition weekend in Hafnarfjörður
The stallion show in Reykjavik wasn’t the only big event in Iceland this weekend. Many of the best riders in Iceland took their horses to…
Great show at Vorkvöld í Reykjavík!
The magazine Eiðfaxi has once again managed to put up a great show at the riding club Fákur in Reykjavik. Young horses and well-known cha…
Great sport at Kjarni WR competition in Denmark
This sunny first day of May has been a busy one in Denmark thanks to the great folks of Kjarni riding club in Denmark on the tracks of th…
The Icelandic Horse: Really just a horse?
In conversation with riders and horse enthusiasts from other equestrian cultures we often encounter the question “What makes your breed s…
Liberty Inspiration: Laury Tisseur at Neumühle
Laury Tisseur is one of the most famous equestrian artists in Europe. He has worked for several equestrian shows such as Appassionata and…