AT: IS2011277185 Flækja frá Bjarnanesi
Flækja frá Bjarnanesi IS2011277185
F: IS2008177187 Stormur frá Bjarnanesi
FF: IS1989158501 Glampi frá Vatnsleysu
M: IS1989277420 Skytta frá Kyljuholti
MF: IS1985177002 Fleygur frá Kyljuholti
Location of the horse:
Islandpferdehof Piet Hoyos, Semriach, Austria. The stable is 30 minutes away by car from the city of Graz.
How did you meet this horse?
I met Flækja at the Icelandic horse farm Piet Hoyos, which is located in Semriach. She was imported from Iceland and offered for sale. I was looking for a horse so I rode her a couple of times and fell in love with her amazing gaits and her sweet character. In May 2020 I decided to buy her and I have never regretted my choice because we had so many beautiful moments together.
Can you describe the character of this horse?
Flækja has a very sweet and loving character. She loves attention but is always patient and waiting for you. She is a rather sensitive horse, but always open to trying different things and learning something new. Flækja learns very quickly and is always willing to work with you.
How long have you had Flækja?
I have had Flækja for almost two years now.
What is the most memorable moment together?
I can’t really decide on a “most memorable moment” because we have had so many beautiful moments together – our first competition together, tölting through the forest, gallopping into the sunset, doing dressage work together, jumping, trying Tölt in Harmony… and so many more! I’ve enjoyed every ride with her, whether it was on the track or in the forest.
How is Flækja as a riding horse?
Flækja is a talented, elegant, well-educated mare with beautiful movements and a good temperament. All of her four gaits are separated, with clear beat and of very good quality. She likes to go forward but always with a cool and positive mindset. Flækja learns quickly and is always willing to work, on the track as well as in the forest. She is also very versatile – she is talented in dressage and jumping work, she knows the double lunge and the basics of Tölt in Harmony, …
What makes this horse so special?
Flækja has a very sweet, polite character and she is very willing to learn new things. She loves to work on the track as well as going on a long ride in the forest alone or with other horses. Flækja has four amazing gaits with high and wide movements, clear beat and a big variance in tempo, which provides a lot of potential for competitions. All in all, she has so many great qualities that make her so special.
What is Flækja best at?
One thing that stands out is the great tempo variance she has. Flækja has an amazing fast tölt that is so much fun to ride. Also, she listens to the smallest signals which makes working with her, for example on the lunge, a real pleasure.
Why is it time for you to part?
It is time for us to part because I am currently not able to ride due to an injury and she is not the perfect horse for me as a rider. I want to find a person for Flækja who matches her perfectly and can also give her all the attention and love she deserves. Someone who wants to rock the tracks with her or loves to go on a ride in the forest.
Can you sketch the perfect owner for Flækja?
She is ideally suited as a promising sport horse for an ambitious young rider with a bit of experience who would like to start with her at competitions. But also as a luxury leisure horse, she leaves nothing to be desired and is perfect for anyone who wants to tölt relaxed through the forest with a beautiful mare. Flækja would also be a great fit for riders looking for a talented horse for dressage.
The price asked for this mare is €15.000
Do you want to meet Flækja? Then contact her owner and seller Laura Ritter:
E-Mail: lrittter@gmail.com (!my E-Mail has 3 “t”!)
Phone number: 0664 5174632
Instagram: icehorses_bergmann.flaekja